About Us

The Kamloops North Shore Business Improvement Association was founded in October of 1988.

The original purpose of the society was to promote the business community and create a vibrant business corridor. Since these early days as a marketing stream, we have evolved to now embraced the opportunity of creating a vibrant community, which supports our business success. We see the balance between a healthy and safe community and a prosperous and giving business corridor.

We serve six distinct areas of the North Shore (and over 23% of the population of Kamloops)

  1. Lower Tranquille (from Overlander Bridge to the North Hills Mall)
  2. Upper Tranquille / 8th Street – North Hills Mall to Halston
  3. Halston Corridor
  4. 12th Street – Commercial properties on 12th street
  5. Brock Shop – Tranquille Road at Desmond.
  6. The Airport and Industrial corridor including the Kamloops Golf and Country Club

More Resources for you:

Our Plan  –  Our Vision, Mission and Objectives 2018 – 2021 (Link)

Our Staff Team and Contact Information – Here to Serve our members (Link)

2022 North Shore Neighbourhood Plan – this document guides our community development for the next twenty years.