Mandate 2025-2029

Over our past NSBIA term (2019-2024) we have undertaken substantial growth and progress (see below), thanks to the collaborative efforts and dedication of you, our members and partners.

We are looking forward to working for you from 2025 -2029.

Our programing and services for the upcoming term includes:

  1. Marketing and Events – We will continue to provide strong events and networking activities that provide over 100,000 touch point opportunities each year.
  2. Business Services Team Activities – The Clean Team will be made permanent in 2024 with a minimum of 4 positions year-round for this program. We will also have the CAP team year-round.
  3. Strategic Partnerships – we will continue expanding our network of strategic alliances to create mutually beneficial partnerships that provide added value to our members.
  4. Advocacy and Representation – We will continue to amplify your voice, and advocate for the needs and concerns of our members, ensuring interests are represented on a variety of topics.

Over the past five years the Kamloops North Shore BIA has undertaken many operational and community focused changes on your behalf.

Events and Marketing

  • Hosted 11 major attraction events and have drawn over 38,000 customers and visitors to our vendors.
  • Hosted 37 networking and Member focused events which made 1,850 member to member connections.
  • Sent out 144 marketing emails to 115,200 recipients, providing invaluable exposure across Kamloops.
  • Produced 10 North Shore Community Guides, distributed to 35,000 households a year.
  • Hosted and supported numerous community fundraising events, supporting the giving of more than $250,000.00 to local charities.

Infrastructure and Beautification

  • Developed a strong vision of the North Shore, resulting in selection as a top 10 commercial investment zone for Canada in 2019.
  • Realized a 1.2-million-dollar Public Realm Improvement Fund to advance beautification.
  • Adoption of the Tranquille Corridor Beautification Plan, including completing the first project at Tranquille and Knox St.
  • Designed and Implemented the Clean Team for the North Shore and Downtown corridors.
  • Collaboratively provided the CAP team for the North Shore (now permanent).

Community Safety

  • Became a driver of community change, regarding social response.
  • Promoted and advocated for greater community safety, including the CSO outreach partnership.
  • Promoted a revamping of social housing and shelter styles and types within BC.
  • Pursued greater community accountability for social and response agencies.
  • Led and produced the annual Impacts Survey, measuring impacts from criminality and social disruption.


  • Secured a 10.5 million dollar Securing Small Business Rebate Program with the Province of BC.
  • Acted on behalf of members on numerous issues and files with City departments.
  • Advocated for members in areas where issues are difficult to resolve.
  • Promoted Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Multiculturalism through our events and advocacy.


  • Re-balanced the operations (financial) to include contingency funding investments.
  • Achieved a 40% Grants and Sponsorship revenue stream allowing for expanded operations.
  • Grew from 1.5 to two full time and two part time NSBIA staff, as well as 10 contract staff.
  • Upgraded and updated all IT infrastructure.
  • Completed four clean full financial audits.