Category: Business Development

2023 – A tough year for small business

Inflation, Minimum Wage, and the Employers Health Tax – challenges for business Its shaping up to be a rough year for business survival in BC. A few years ago, when the BC NDP passed legislation on the level of minimum wage in BC, it was welcomed as a positive move toward a living wage and […]

Financial Mgt for Small Business

I recently read this post on a Facebook group and, truth be told, while the situation is unfortunate, the issue could have been avoided altogether with a bit of structure and strategy at start-up, or in the early stages of the business’s existence. Its never too late to reset, so the second-best time to get […]

Preparing for Inflationary Pressures

Every Spring I write about your business frontage, setting up your sales floor for success, and reinvigorating your sales potential. We talk about inventory controls, cash flow analysis, hiring, and setting the stage for success.   This year, with the significant challenges to business, it will be even more important to take a hard look […]

Why we are , Where we are..

*please note that these thoughts are the personal opinions of Jeremy Heighton, and  do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the NSBIA or our Board of Directors. Why we are, Where we are: My personal thoughts on the state of Social and Criminal accountability in Canada. In our recent work to advocate for greater levels […]

Making Better Decisions

Every single day, as business owners we are faced with making difficult decisions. In this current environment of a Pandemic, restrictions and closures, PPE, and staffing challenges, combined with reduced revenues, these decisions become even harder to make, with consequences that can have far reaching impacts to your business. It is more important than ever […]

Cost Controls

In its purest form Business’s role in an entrepreneurs life is to: make money. This money is then used to fuel other aspects of the business owner’s life from salaries to investments, expansions to renovations. In today’s pandemic impacted world, the view on cost controls is more critical than ever before. If you are not […]

Video Meetings – the energy sucking vortex of doom

Or: why I feel so tired after yet another video meeting.. A few years back, when I was speaking professionally on the topic of leadership, I typically saw two main types of people in my audiences: those who wanted to be there, and those who were told to be there. As a speaker, the two […]

Rise Up in 2021

Lets face it, 2020 was a bit of a chaotic mess. We went from optimism and a fully functioning economy to a lock down and completely new work environment. Our business members went from a pretty decent marketplace to struggling to survive; a condition which will continue for the next six months or so. I […]

North Shore Design Charette – summary

The North Shore Neighbourhood Plan Design Charrette was held in November. The intensive five day process is designed to solicit ideas and create vision for the future. It resulted in these concept drawings. Figure 1: North Shore Design Charrette roll-up concept image from Saturday’s Zoom call. Saturday morning (Nov 21) the City of Kamloops and […]