A Mentor and a Coach are very different from each other, yet their skills can be intertwined, depending o the situation you find yourself in. As a coach, you may need the person being coached to reflect and consider, before you can coach for performance. As a Mentor, you may need to coach people in […]
Category: Leadership
Leadership Within – Setting Performance Standards
As we move into our series on employee evaluation, we start with the first key component of a strong performance environment: Performance standards. Performance standards are the bedrock of any organization and its ability to perform, over time.When effective performance standards are in place, it is clear who holds what roles, how those roles are […]
Leadership Within – Degrees of Influence
When I discuss brand, I almost always ask the question: What do people say about (your business), when you are not in the room? The answer to this question is the result of everything you do within and outside of your business. It is influenced by your advertising efforts (which bring people in […]
Leadership Within – Creating Trust
Trust is an essential component of all workplace relationships. When trust is firmly entrenched,employees feel supported by peers, supervisors, managers and the organization. Trust goes beyond words to actions, reactions and practices. Trust creates a more cohesive, functional and effective team. A recent survey of nearly 13,000 workers in all job levels and industries […]
Leadership Within – The Ladder of Influence
The other day, my daughter and I were talking about my parenting style. She told me how easy it was to bring issues to me to talk about because I don’t freak out. While I appreciated the sentiment, (I think it means I’m doing ok as a parent), I admitted to her I haven’t always […]
Leadership Within – Trust is Everything
“Trust is an Emotional Response to a logical Framework.” In other words, we can predict, create lose and gain trust. This is quite simply done through the behaviours we exhibit to others or others exhibit to us. Similarly, someone can appear trustworthy to you, when they meet your criteria for feeling the emotion of trust. […]
Leadership Within – Why Employees Leave
Recent surveys and studies have underscored the importance of the leader’s influence over the work unit. In fact, most employees surveyed in these projects cited “disputes with their leaders” as their primary reason for leaving their employment. In many cases these disputes can be attributed to communication-based misinterpretations, although others can be clearly linked to […]
Leadership Within – Seven Qualities of Leaders
Last week, I finished the article with a worksheet to reflect on your leadership. What did you learn? Are you persuasive? Do you think people follow you because they want to? Leadership is not about being the boss, its about being effective. Many times when I’ve spoken with organizational leaders, it’s the Assistant who is […]
Persuasive Leadership
Section One: What is Leadership? The key outcome for any leadership training program should be to deliver the knowledge sills and tools to create the opportunity for you to develop “Personal Influence” Influence is the ability to have others voluntarily follow your ideas, direction or action because they believe you are credible and worthy of […]
Authentic Leadership
Last Friday I had the great opportunity to attend Leadercast, a one day leadership conference hosted by the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. As always with a slate of speakers there were the “ok” the “good” and the “great!” Its always interesting to see who from our community attends these types of sessions, and to […]