PRIF – Project Submission Form

The North Shore Public Realm Improvement Fund is designated for specific purposes within the commercial zones on Kamloops’ North Shore, as outlined below.

Funding Distribution:

The North Shore Public Realm Improvement Fund has been established specifically for enhancing public realm infrastructure along class 5/6 (commercial) corridors. However, community projects adjacent to primary commercial corridors (Tranquille, Fortune, 8th Street) may be considered if they align with NSBIA goals and objectives and contribute to the revitalization of the North Shore.

Consequently, funds may be allocated annually as follows:

  • NSBIA and public space projects on commercial corridors: $200,000.00
  • Neighbourhood Association projects adjacent to corridors: $50,000.00

Funds will be disbursed with 50% upon project commencement and 50% upon project completion, contingent upon the successful submission of a final project report. This report should include a summary, budget comparison, final expenditure breakdown, and images documenting project stages. As projects operate within the public realm, the City of Kamloops may stipulate that certain projects be executed by a City-designated contractor, following established procedures. Procedures for fund distribution and service payment will vary based on the scope of funded projects. No additional funds beyond those approved will be available.

Applications for funding will only be considered if accompanied by the following:

  • Overview of proposed fund utilization
  • Budget for the project
  • Clear indication of linkage to other funding sources, if applicable
  • Alignment of the project with NSBIA strategic goals and objectives, including:
    • Wayfinding and brand development elements (e.g., signage, directions)
    • Community activation initiatives (e.g., public spaces, furniture, gathering areas)
    • Community arts or cultural endeavors (e.g., murals, sculptures)
    • Infrastructure improvements enhancing accessibility, flow, safety, or other community use aspects

Projects may not encompass infrastructure improvements associated with development, capital, maintenance, or upgrade plans already included in the City of Kamloops Capital budget (e.g., sewer, water).

Project Intake:

Public beautification projects like murals may be feasible within the application year, however, larger endeavors necessitating installation on city property may require review by the City of Kamloops. In such cases, projects must be submitted and approved by September of the application year, undergo a City of Kamloops Ops review (September to April) and then be executed within the project execution year (May to October).

The project proposal process is anticipated to open in March of each year with intake concluding in June of the same year. For projects with expedited timelines, a fast-start process may be utilized (e.g., murals, art installations) and approved prior to the application window’s closure.

All projects must carry a minimum of $5 million in liability coverage, with NSBIA and the City of Kamloops named as co-insured parties. This requirement may be factored into project costs.

IMPORTANT: Please download the Excel budget form provided and attach it to the submission form below.

For further information on the North Shore Public Realm Improvement Fund, please contact:

Jeremy Heighton, Executive Director, NSBIA

Phone: 250.376.1996

provide an address or approximate location of your project
*select which ever category best fits you

About Your Project

What are your milestones and how will they be measured as successful?
List all your partners
Overall cost of the project
Are there other funders? Is it done in stages? How confident are you in your estimates?) Maximum of 500 words
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
No more than 4 files can be accepted: one as an .xls or .xlsx and images as .jpg or .png. Maximum file size is 5 mb per file. If files will not attach, please email them directly to, Use your project name in the subject line.