Tranquille Rd Task Force
The Kamloops North Shore Business Improvement Area Association (NSBIA) have formed this Task Force to advise the organization on the specific issues surrounding the revitalization and economic development of the Tranquille Corridor. The outcomes of the Task Force are used to inform the larger planning process in place for the NSBIA and our partner agencies and organizations.
The Task Force is responsible for:
- Creating a clear Vision for the Tranquille corridor.
- Review and approve drawings that illustrate the vision.
- Work with staff to identify accessories, structures and decorations for the corridor.
- Work with staff to set a timeline for build out of the vision, assuming city uptake of vision and ideas
- Create / identify a list of core and supplementary budget items for submission to City for consideration.
- Develop a list of BIA led opportunities that can be funded and executed by members.
- Work with staff to identify and approve a proposed budget for BIA projects.
- Work with staff to implement BIA projects, including work force recruitment, other member engagement and execution of projects.
For more information, contact Jeremy Heighton, Executive Director: (250) 376-2411
For Task Force Materials visit this page: (Secure page)